Working Towards A Fair & Sustainable Banana & Pineapple Trade
Producers dial up pressure on retailers over banana prices
Migrant regularisation urgently needed to stabilise Dominican banana industry and protect workers, joint letter states
Blog : Repenser les chaînes de valeur des fruits tropicaux
Blog: Repensar las cadenas de valor de las frutas tropicales
Blog: Rethinking Tropical Fruit Value Chains
Côte d’Ivoire : Roadmap to Negotiate Living Wages Approved
Collective Lands in the Philippines targeted by World Bank ‘SPLIT’ programme: small farmers seek solidarity from the global community
Guest Blog: Trade union repression in the Costa Rican bananera
Dominican banana workers union launches at national level as industry grapples with labour instability, climate change and low export volumes
Colombia’s trade unionism at its best: a history of SINTRAINAGRO
Momentum for agroecology: global Coalition launches new strategy
Izabal Workers Union hails spirit of collaboration and goodwill in dialogue with Frutera del Pacifico
Dominican Republic: Union collaborates with businesses, NGOs and churches to reach workers in national affiliation drive
Company recognises new workers’ union in Guatemala’s Pacific South
Fairtrade Foundation initiative aims to tackle human rights and environmental challenges through joint-retailer approach
Costa Rican Agricultural Plantation Workers’ Union SITRAP : A Model of community trade unionism
Banana Export TV interviews Banana Link’s Alistair Smith
Blog: “Suck it up buttercup!”: Bananas have been too cheap for decades
International Women’s Day marked by empowerment training for banana plantation workers in Latin America
Côte d’Ivoire : joint strategy to negotiate living wages agreed by producers and trade unions
Living Wages: LIDL Germany and Sainsbury’s sidestep joint retailer approach
The Expansion of Monocrop Banana Plantations Threaten Diverse Wetland Ecosystems in Las Garzas, Ecuador
European Retailers Recognise Union Role in Wage Improvement
Blog: Supermarkets are assessing human rights abuses in their supply chains – Here’s what they need to do better
EU approves Corporate Supply Chain Due Diligence legislation : years of work advocating for binding regulation bear fruit
Oxfam Germany files complaint under new supply chain law
Tariff reduction for Mexico and Peru sparks concern among ACP Nations
Ecuador: Son of banana magnate wins presidential election on a promise of security, amid national crisis that has hit small producers hard
Guatemalan Trade Unionist Doris Aldana Assassinated
Blog: Advancing living wages: Impossible without collective bargaining
Immigration raids jeopardising Dominican banana industry as Haitian workers removed from plantations
British trade union solidarity for Costa Rican banana and pineapple workers
Poisoned again: School children hospitalised after pesticide application on Costa Rica pineapple plantation
Colombia Again Raises the Standard for Good Labour Relations
A cautionary tale: how the conditions that lead to the Irish potato famine are putting the world’s favourite fruit at risk
Moving forward the agenda for transformation: Banana Link’s Review of 2021 – 2022
Workers’ Rights Increasingly Under Threat according to ITUC Global Rights Index
New ILO Guidelines for Decent Work in the Agri-food Sector Launched
Third-party contractors using false documentation to hire migrant workers on Costa Rican banana and pineapple plantations, workers allege
Retailers Commit to Ensuring Living Wages for all Banana Workers
Worker- led Living Wage Verification Success in ALDI Pilot
Banana Link Welcomes UK Retailer Commitment
Plantation Workers’ Leaders and Small Agroecological Farmers’ Organisations Agree Strategic Plans for Achieving a Fair, Safe and Biodiverse Banana Trade
Les travailleuses des bananes affirment leur autonomie
Blog: ALDI sends a strong signal with a bold banana purchasing reform
Blog: 20 years ago, Ecuador achieved their first unions in the banana sector. They were met with violent suppression
Blog: Hace 20 años que en Ecuador se formaron los primeros sindicatos del sector bananero. Sus protestas fueron silenciadas con violencia
Defensora colombiana de los derechos de las mujeres Adela Torres, elegida coordinadora de COLSIBA
Ukraine conflict threatens thousands of banana jobs in Ecuador
El Proyecto de Formación en Liderazgo y Empoderamiento de las Mujeres en la República Dominicana
Blog: Gender Equity in Supply Chains – Education
Colombian women’s rights advocate Adela Torres elected as Coordinator of COLSIBA
Blog: Gender equity across supply chains – Representation
International Union of Foodworkers signs ground-breaking agreement with Tesco
Peruvian Congress ratifies ILO Convention 190
Blog: Gender equity across supply chains – An enabling environment
Blog: Gender equity across supply chains – Top tips from Naivasha flower farms
Fairtrade adds its voice to increasing calls for action on banana prices
Blog: Gender equity across supply chains – Top tips from Kericho tea estates
Women’s Empowerment and Leadership Training Project Launched in the Dominican Republic
Living wages initiative given anti-trust green light
Leading banana governments show unity on shared responsibilities
Blog: Lessons from the banana pandemic
German retailers step closer to Living Wages and Incomes in banana supply chains
Blog: How fair producer prices can be achieved
Blog: ¿Significa la subida de los precios de los bananos de Aldi que estamos dando la vuelta a la tortilla?
Blog: Does the Aldi banana price rise mean we are turning the corner ?
Compensation for pesticide poisoning a step closer for French Caribbean banana workers
Chinese-Owned Banana Plantations Fueling Exploitation in Myanmar
Côte d’Ivoire : Préparer les efforts multipartites pour atteindre une rémunération décente pour tou.te.s
Blog: Côte d’Ivoire: Preparing for multi-stakeholder efforts to achieve decent remuneration for all
Farewell to a tireless fighter for banana workers in Côte d’Ivoire
Lo/as trabajadores ecuatorianos alertan sobre el deterioro de los salarios y la seguridad laboral
Tesco da ejemplo sobre salarios dignos para los y las trabajadores de las plantaciones, ¿quién será el siguiente?
Tesco sets an example on living wages for plantation workers, who’s next?
Ecuadorian banana workers report deteriorating wages and job security
Blog: New Resource for promoting agroecology in Latin America and Caribbean
Fairtrade Increases Banana Minimum Price as Producers Face ‘Financial Squeeze’
African banana producers call for fair prices
Ecuadorian banana workers union elects new leadership and looks to tackle harassment
Latin American banana producers slam rising and unfair burden of costs
Colombian banana workers negotiate above inflation pay rise
Chiquita under fire in Costa Rica over treatment of indigenous workers and labour rights
Fyffes presents its new found commitment to sustainability
No decent work without freedom of association in Costa Rica
Why sustainability is the fastest growing purchase consideration
Fairtrade leads way to living wages for banana workers
Sixty workers dismissed at Costa Rican banana plantation undermining union recruitment efforts
Sustainability drives consumer purchases
Entrée en vigueur du premier traité international contre la violence et le harcèlement
Entrada en vigor del primer tratado internacional para enfrentar la violencia y el acoso
First international treaty to address violence and harassment in the workplace comes into force
Germany and Norway pass new laws to protect human rights in international supply chains
ALDI commits to Living Wages and Living Incomes in its supply chains
Blog: Una mesa redonda permanente hace que la industria bananera de la República Dominicana tenga esperanzas
Blog: Permanent round table raises hopes for Dominican Republic’s banana industry
Tough times for banana growers
Agroecological weed management in bananas
€1million partnership announced to support organic Fairtrade banana cooperatives in the Dominican Republic and Peru
Petición de ayuda financiera: Representante sindical peruano que se enfrenta a un despido improcedente y cargos penales
Appeal for financial support: Peruvian union representative facing unfair dismissal and criminal charges
Colombian banana workers say no to tax reform
La Coordinadora de Sindicatos Bananeros de América Latina celebra 28 años de lucha por los derechos de los y las trabajadores
Latin American banana unions coordinating body celebrates 28 years of fighting for workers rights
Adiós a Ramón Barrantes, un luchador incansable para los trabajadores de las plantaciones.
Farewell to Ramón Barrantes, a tireless fighter for plantation workers
Chiquita backs down over installing workplace cameras following two week strike
Leading Fairtrade banana producer responds to arrival of TR4 in Peru
Adiós a Joaquín Vázquez, luchador inspirador de los agricultores familiares
Banana workers oppose video surveillance of Chiquita plantations in Latin America
Peru declares national emergency as TR4 outbreak is confirmed
Farewell to Joaquín Vázquez, inspirational fighter for family farmers
Union efforts save workers’ jobs and homes in hurricane ravaged Guatemala
Costa Rican government promises to regulate pesticide use in the pineapple industry
European Parliament gives green light to mandatory corporate due diligence
Video podcast: El cultivo del plátano en las islas canarias
Video podcast: Banana farming in the Canary Islands
Shocking increase in the number of agricultural workers and farmers harmed by pesticides
Thousands protest in Martinique against banana pesticide ‘impunity’
Trade union training school for Peruvian agroindustrial workers launched
Concern for banana livelihoods in hurricane ravaged Honduras
Britain’s largest trade union supports Costa Rican plantation workers
Ghana signs post-brexit trade deal with UK, but no agreement on tariff refunds
German retailers aim for fair working conditions and living wages for banana workers in Ecuador
Nicaraguan workers hopeful of improved collective bargaining agreements
Blog: ¿Podría la prohibición de vender por debajo del precio de compra ayudar a los productores de banano?
Peru: workers’ anger that new law does not answer their needs
Trade unions make a big difference for Guatemalan banana workers
Blog: Could a ban on selling below cost price help banana producers?
Donations provide hurricane relief for banana workers in Central America
Ecuador ratifies international convention on violence and workplace harassment
Senegal: improving bananas for the local market
Pineapple trade boom and bust
Post Brexit trade deal with Ghana almost done but tariffs have already hit banana imports
Peru: agriculture workers talks with government stall while protests continue
Guest Blog: We need to pay more for our bananas
Record Latin American banana exports despite pandemic
Latin American unions condemn Rainforest Alliance on labour rights
Blog: Big banana brands playing into the hands of big European retail
European Council calls for promotion of human rights and Decent Work in global supply chains
Peru repeals pro-corporate farm law after days of protests
Is FAO in the pocket of the pesticide industry?
Plantation workers pay the price for Europe’s banana wars
For work environments free of gender based violence
Banana prices – Latin American trade unions and NGOs lobby supermarkets
¡Aldi y los exportadores Ecuatorianos “parecen no entenderlo”!
SINUTRABE delivers Covid-19 relief packages to communities in Ecuador
Brexit and bananas – could supermarket shelves be laid bare?
SINUTRABE denounces the illegal dismissal of 30 banana workers in Ecuador
News alert: Tropical Storm ETA threatens Guatemala
Aldi and the Ecuadorian exporters “don’t seem to get it”!
Peruvian organic farmers’ cooperative looking for European markets
Asian banana markets in rapid flux
Fyffes Announces its Human Rights Mitigation Action Plan
World Food Day 2020: COVID-19 reveals shocking inequalities in global food systems
Fairtrade highlights importance of decent work at international banana convention
Laying the foundations for agreements with Fyffes
Organic and Fairtrade banana consumption amounts to 10% in Europe and North America
Protests impact Costa Rican pineapple and banana exports
ANEP Costa Rica – suspension of pineapple workers at Del Monte, Division Pindeco, Pacifico
Colombian union urges compensation for quarantined banana workers
Oxfam sets out good practice on human rights in supply chains
Panamanian banana unions demand government action on Covid-19
Which supermarkets are doing the most to protect the rights of food workers?
“I have in my blood the fight against the power of capital”
Latin American unions denounce negative impact of Covid-19 on labour rights and working conditions
UK consolidates the diversity of its sources of bananas as total uncertainty kicks in
Costa Rican union calls for better Covid 19 protection for plantation workers and other developments
Rainforest Alliance suspends Chiquita certification in Costa Rica
A dialogue that takes hold
Blog: Towards a united voice for banana workers in Africa
A life fighting for a fairer deal for Nicaraguan workers
Unions protest labour law reforms in Ecuador
A big thank-you to Jacqui Mackay
For a fair and sustainable banana trade
Costa Rica : industry defends COVID-19 prevention measures
New Report Exposes Toxic Chemicals, Human Rights Abuses on Fyffes Melon Farms
Global food retailers sign landmark Declaration with UNI to tackle Covid-19, others should follow
Earth Day 2020 – More than just green bananas?
Unions mitigating community impact of lay offs in Costa Rica
Workers seek Covid 19 protection on Latin American plantations
A new disease-resistant variety of banana launched
Costa Rican industry places burden on workers over Covid-19
UK supermarkets take steps to tackle pesticides …
FAO confirms trade expansion in Asia
Enabling local solutions to workplace disputes effective labour relations in Peru’s banana sector
CIRAD is launching an alliance to address the issues facing banana production worldwide
Banana Link facilitated solidarity supports Guatemalan women workers
Banana futures in the balance
German supermarkets commit to pay living wages in their supply chains
TR4: the day after tomorrow
The “Piñera” Controversy: Is Their Produce As Sweet As It Seems?
Working in partnership with unions – a more sustainable approach than auditing?
“What’s the difference between all these fair trade labels?”
NGOs and trade unions call for action on murder of Jorge Acosta
Take Action: Justice for Jorge Alberto Acosta!
‘Banana prices should rise if shoppers want sustainable fruit,’ warn campaigners
Ecuador industry says Aldi price is still far from fair
Fairtrade highlights Ecuador and Colombia’s progress in increasing banana wages
The only way is up
Panamanian workers secure agreement with Chiquita supplier
Still a lot of work to do by the world’s supermarkets
Plantation Workers Allegedly Poisoned by Sperm-Killer Pesticide Finally Receive Justice in French Court
African, Caribbean and Pacific banana producers look to safeguard EU market access
Philippines exports booming despite TR4
Collective Bargaining brings benefits for plantation workers in Honduras
Banana workers union strikes above inflation pay deal in Colombia
Dole provides facilities to support laid-off workers’ cooperative
TR4 confirmed in Colombia as country declares “national emergency”
“To grow organic is to think different”
Union negotiates significant improvements for workers at Dole Ecuador
Guatemalan workers share burden with Del Monte after destruction
Sumitomo sells its stake in Sumifru Philippines amid allegations of labour rights abuses
What are supermarkets doing to tackle human suffering in their supply chains? Primary tabs
New international labour standard to combat violence and harassment at work agreed
Unions break off dialogue with Rainforest Alliance over labour rights
The sad loss of a Caribbean banana farmers’ champion
Banana Link contributing to improved conditions on Ghanaian banana plantations
Union executive committee wins legal fight for reinstatement in Peru
GMB Union pledges support to beleaguered Cameroon banana workers
Dole reaffirms commitment to Honduras despite political crisis
Costco Ceases Orders Following Union-Busting on Fyffes’ Honduran Plantations
Lidl backs away from Fairtrade bananas
Fairtrade bananas more and more popular in France
Working conditions and environmental situation on pineapple plantations in northern Costa Rica
Protecting the people behind the barcodes
Misery and frustration continues for banana workers in Cameroon
“Retail, don’t look away from TR4” – Luud Clercx, Agrofair
Fyffes membership of the Ethical Trading Initiative terminated
Banana Link identifies key drivers of change for women in agricultural value chains
International Women’s Day Celebrations in Guatemala
Bananas in the Battle of Ideas
GMB witnesses historic moment in Costa Rican labour history
Historic Collective Bargaining Agreement signed in Costa Rica
Fyffes Must Bargain with Independent Union in Honduras
Fair Trade USA suspends certification of Fyffes’ melon plantation in Honduras
Aldi price cuts threaten banana workers’ livelihoods – TAKE ACTION
Fair Trade USA Certifies Labour Violations as “Fair Trade” in Honduras
Aldi facing mounting pressure from LatAm banana supply countries over price cut plans
Sustainability certification initiatives need to be more effective
Bananas and coffee: worlds apart ?
Lidl goes Fairtrade bananas in Germany and Switzerland
Sainsbury’s-Asda merger investigation welcome
Plastic-free first for Iceland bananas
Compagnie Fruitière expands organic production
Tesco’s banana price hike highlights poor income for plantation workers
Cameroon: CDC exported lowest banana volume in 13 years, in August 2018
Banana Link support enables women’s trade union workshop in Ecuador
Banana Link asks UK Government to mediate crisis in Cameroon
Japanese consumer groups campaigning for ethical bananas from the Philippines
Experts meet in Boston to discuss worsening banana fungal disease
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